Blue Oasis

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javad said:

A Afair Btween Galz n Gyz

Do you mean adultry or dating?
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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and yeah this is a great topic Very good idea Kash and WOL

My Question is:

"How many times on JB have you played the guess-which-pic-of-the-7-is-mine Shahenshah?"
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Topic: Archive (WOL)

Blue Oasis

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shahrukh khan said:


I'd like to know this as well

and yeah this is a great topic Very good idea Kash and WOL
Posted 29 Jul 2005

Topic: Your choice

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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FRIENDS ofcourse

I love my friends, and alone on an Island togther why do I need any of the other things when I am with them?

Cell phone is to talk to them - but I'm already with them .

No to Books, because we can tell eachother stories .

No to TV and Computer because we keep eachother entertained
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Topic: .. Nafrat ..

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I don't think so. Hate is natural, and to hate something/someone bad is good
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Topic: Macarena

Blue Oasis

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SohniKuddi said:



Oh you go girl - "Nach baliya!"
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Topic: Macarena

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Keep practicing Manali, I'll come personally to give you lessons if need be
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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Yes I loved this movie - I'm going to buy the DVD soon as well
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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LiL_DollY said:

Id like to know if its worth watching the movie...

Has anyone seen it yet?

I just saw the movie two hours ago. I wish I hadn't it does have some humour but it is all sexual humour (and not very good either) with alot of topless women.

The story is cliche, boring, boring, boring. I wanted to walk out after the first 15 minutes, but stayed in the hope that it will get better.

I was expecting them to crash weddings to ruin the party and cause trouble, but the two friends only crash weddings so they can sleep with the women they meet there. They end up meeting two women at a wedding who they actually fall in love with and blah blah blah

The only really funny part was when one the friends almost gets rapped the brother of the girl he fancies (yes gay humour)

So yeah save your money for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory instead. Wedding Crashers is a perverted time waster
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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Movies which I wish I hadn't bothered seen were My brother Nikhil and Jo Bole So Nihaal...Naina wasn't that good either

I was dissapointed by Shabd , it was a movie I was looking forward to seeing and although it looked great with beautiful people and beautiful filming - it made no sense!

Nazar was a movie I thought I wouldn't like and it turned out to be okay.

As for Lucky, I don't like Salman so I'm not partial to his movies either. Waqt was kinda boring but the songs were nice.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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shahrukh khan said:

Bush_Blasta said:

oh ya, u forgot bout Waqt

that 2

Eeek no not Waqt

I really enjoyed Kaal and Bunty aur Babli
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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Both actors are brilliant but,
I like Amir more than Sharukh.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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mmja said:

i think salman is not a good actor he has just good body mam.

I agree, I'm not a salman khan fan at all
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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I think sacrifice is what parents make for their children, by not fulfilling all their dreams and desires so they can work to make their child's life more comfortable and fulfilling. Or indeed in the case of some young mothers who drop out of college to have a family.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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Smooth_daddy said:

Do you really think that men would pay attention to their intelligence when their eyes are charmed with the beauty of a girl?

Yes I do, because I know not all men are nyphomaniacs. Professional, mature (in menatality not necessarily age) and decent men would pay attention to the words coming out of a women's mouth.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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Smooth_daddy said:

I intended to respond to some postings from yesterday but it kept kicking me out. I wrote to the mod but haven't heard anything yet. I decided to try my luck again.

Issue here is not free mixing or socializing. It is how someone is viewed (perception) based on the outlook. Modesty, in the way Prophet and his companions defined and practiced, earns women respect for that they are humans and not objects of pleasure for the lusty eyes of indecent men.

Do you think women who are doing intelligent things their physique are not preyed upon by such filthy gazes?

Do you really think that men would pay attention to their intelligence when their eyes are charmed with the beauty of a girl?

Okay try this vice versa, do you think women who are wearing hijab are not preyed upon by filthy gazes? What says that a lech has to be discriminate?

Like Sall said, it's the man's responsibility to have respect and good manners towards women, regardless of what they are wearing.

And you're speaking of men as if they are these mindless nyphos who have no choice but to be 'charmed' by attractive women, like women not wearing hijab are these seductive beings or snakes - who must be hidden away to protect the good of society. Men have an equal obligation of looking the other way if a women is not wearing hijab.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Topic: Omnipotent

Blue Oasis

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It means all powerful and the philosophical meaning of God is one who is Omniscient and Omnipotent. One who is all knowing and all powerfull. Hence we say Allah the almighty.
Posted 28 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

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shahrukh khan said:

a whitie

I'm not racist
but i'll convert him to islam no worries

Posted 27 Jul 2005


Blue Oasis

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careful what you say about me - or you'll be shouting "Maar Daala"
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: ~Dog~

Blue Oasis

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Now I know what my dog gets up to when I'm not home
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: 2 Lovers

Blue Oasis

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Better ending than Romeo and Juliet
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Macarena

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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thanks manali
did you learn any moves?
Posted 27 Jul 2005


Blue Oasis

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I'm not a boy silly
Posted 27 Jul 2005


Blue Oasis

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You are both poor boys
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Omnipotent

Blue Oasis

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Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Dream

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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shahrukh khan said:

Chandramuki said:

shahrukh khan said:

Chandramuki said:

Careful she might be an ETTA terroist

Or could be an image of your future wife. Ather I'm going to talk to your sister in law and get you married. Then you can take a honeymoon to Spain

i wanna go to switserland

So do I! It's my 'dream' place to go. me and my husband and you and your wife can go as a double date honeymoon


Deal then
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Dream

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Posted 27 Jul 2005


Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
shahrukh khan said:

Chandramuki said:

Ather you meanie - stop bullying Raja

mazakh bhi nahi kar sakte...uska jawab tu dekho

wo poor boy or kya karay?
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Topic: Dream

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
shahrukh khan said:

Chandramuki said:

Careful she might be an ETTA terroist

Or could be an image of your future wife. Ather I'm going to talk to your sister in law and get you married. Then you can take a honeymoon to Spain

i wanna go to switserland

So do I! It's my 'dream' place to go. me and my husband and you and your wife can go as a double date honeymoon
Posted 27 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Listening to mum arguing with her friend on her phone
Posted 27 Jul 2005